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Eric      09/11/2019 22:01:37
Hey, You have a website, right? Of course you do. I am looking at your website now. It gets traffic every day – that you’re probably spending $2 / $4 / $10 or more a click to get. Not including all of the work you put into creating social media, videos, blog posts, emails, and so on. So you’re investing seriously in getting people to that site. But how’s it working? Great? Okay? Not so much? If that answer could be better, then it’s likely you’re putting a lot of time, effort, and money into an approach that’s not paying off like it should. Now… imagine doubling your lead conversion in just minutes… In fact, I’ll go even better. You could actually get up to 100X more conversions! I’m not making this up. As Chris Smith, best-selling author of The Conversion Code says: Speed is essential - there is a 100x decrease in Leads when a Lead is contacted within 14 minutes vs being contacted within 5 minutes. He’s backed up by a study at MIT that

Hassan      25/10/2019 04:31:41
Hi, We would like to offer you Cotton Fleece Hoodie, Mesh Vest, Polo shirt, T shirt.... Kindly visit our google drive link given below to see catalog for your reference. If you could let us know about order quantity we can offer you our best price. For quick communication you also can whatsaap 0092-3006122353 With Best Regards Hassan --- Lion Leather Sialkot Pakistan Mob: 0092-3006122353 Whats Ap: 00923006122353 Viber: 00923006122353 Inviato da: Hassan

Hassan      20/10/2019 04:23:22
Hi, Are you looking for manufacturer of. 1. Boxing Gloves 2. Mini Boxing Gloves for hanging in the car mirror. 3. Boxing gloves key chain. 4. Cotton Fleece Hoodie If yes then please visit our google drive link given below and visit catalog of above mentioned items. Price deepened on order quantity. For quick communication you also can whatsaap 0092-3006122353 Regards Hassan --- Lion Leather Sialkot Pakistan Mob: 0092-3006122353 Whats Ap: 00923006122353 Viber: 00923006122353 Inviato da: Hassan

Claudia      12/10/2019 22:40:39
Proposta di collaborazione per un corso di formazione insegnanti di 15ore + 15 da tenersi in due wee Buongiorno, mi chiamo Claudia Ciolli e sono un'insegnante certificata CSEN-CONİ e YOGA ALLİANCE İTALİA İnternational (1500 ERYT). Ho sviluppato un programma di formazione insegnanti di Healing tai chi (specifico per donne in gravidanza, malati di Parkinson, soggetti con problemi motori o grave osteoporosi etc) su due moduli da 15 ore l'uno. Volevo sapere se foste interessati ad ospitare il seminario formativo presso la vostra struttura. İn caso affermativo invierò informazioni relative alle finalità, l'utilizzo e il programma. Cordiali saluti. Inviato da: Claudia

Nancy      03/10/2019 20:40:42
Richiesta info corsi Buona sera volevo avere se possibile un calendario dei corsi aggiornato e sapere i costi. Grazie mille Nancy Inviato da: Nancy

Hassan      17/09/2019 22:31:09
Hello, Are you looking for the best manufacturer of: 1. Boxing Gloves 2. Mini Boxing Gloves (car hanging) 3. Key chains If yes, then please visit our Google drive link given below and see catalogs of above stated items. Price deepened on your order quantity. For quick communication you also can whatsaap 0092-3006122353 With Best Regards Hassan --- Lion Leather Sialkot Pakistan Mob: 0092-3006122353 Whats Ap: 00923006122353 Viber: 00923006122353 Inviato da: Hassan

Sofia Russo      16/09/2019 14:58:41
Info corso kick boxing Buongiorno vorrei informazioni sui corsi di kick boxing per mia figia di 13 anni e mia nipote di 15. Eventualmente farebbero una prova . Cordiali saluti Sofia Russo Inviato da: Sofia Russo

Hassan      14/09/2019 10:39:43
Hello, Are you looking for the best manufacturer of: 1. Boxing Gloves 2. Mini Boxing Gloves (car hanging) 3. Key chains If yes, then please visit our Google drive link given below and see catalogs of above stated items. Price deepened on your order quantity. For quick communication you also can whatsaap 0092-3006122353 With Best Regards Hassan --- Lion Leather Sialkot Pakistan Mob: 0092-3006122353 Whats Ap: 00923006122353 Viber: 00923006122353 Inviato da: Hassan

federica soave      14/09/2019 09:46:48
Kick boxing per mio figlio di 12 anni Salve, scrivo per sapere se le attività di kick boxing a calendario il giovedi sono rivolte anche a ragazzi: mio figlio ha 12 anni e vorrebbe provare. Grazie, Federica Soave Inviato da: federica soave

Hassan      11/09/2019 19:30:56
Hello, Are you looking for the best manufacturer of: 1. Boxing Gloves 2. Mini Boxing Gloves (car hanging) 3. Key chains If yes, then please visit our Google drive link given below and see catalogs of above stated items. Price deepened on your order quantity. For quick communication you also can whatsaap 0092-3006122353 With Best Regards Hassan --- Lion Leather Sialkot Pakistan Mob: 0092-3006122353 Whats Ap: 00923006122353 Viber: 00923006122353 Inviato da: Hassan